07 March 2008

NYPD.... Trigger-Happy?

I seen this on the news a few nights ago and thought it was very interesting. A museum in Fort Greene, Brooklyn has an exhibit in which police abuse victims are depicted as shooting targets with the items in their hands. Of course, you know the NYPD is ENRAGED and feels this is very anti-cop-ish while several other people are supporting this exhibit.

Dread Scott's Interpretation of his work:
The Blue Wall of Violence is an installation that addresses police brutality. It focuses on the object which the police "mistook" for a dangerous weapon when they shot an unarmed person. The project consists of several elements: On the wall are six actual FBI silhouette targets which police use for shooting practice. Protruding from each of these is a cast of an arm. In each hand is an object - wallet, house keys, 3 Musketeers bar, squeegee, etc. In front of this is a coffin and in front of the coffin are three police batons which each strike it every 10 seconds with a loud penetrating bang.

It looks something like this:

So what is it ? Cop bashing or freedom of speech? Speak!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I dont necessarily think this is Cop-Bashing. I call it ART ! Its an Art that promotes a certain awarness of how some of who we deem "Our Finest" behave to say the very least. Sure there is a degree of categorization involved which is hardly ever a good thing, we know and understand that you cant say all of anybody is anything however, these incidents take place far to often and always seem to have the same theme. It should be talked about or expressed so that it provokes dialogue in anyway people desire....