I like how we used to go to Lefferts Park after school in our uniform and tie our school shirts up and make our skirts shorter just to look "cool" while watching Aston (RIP) and the other guys play ball.
I like how I got in trouble for you because I got home late the day we got caught in Nick's basement 10 years ago.
Better yet, I loved the look on your face when his grandfather came and turned the light on and saw us clutching each other. Priceless.
I like how you used to go home late and get in trouble for me back when we were 13 just 'cuz I wanted to see my crush at the time who turned out to be Kianah's Dad. You always told me that would happen...lol.
I like how we used to put my little brothers to sleep while my mom was working hours on end during the weekends just so we can have 13 year old fun.
I love how they used to call you "Madege"...hahahaha
I like how I've been there for you in your most tumultuous moments, as you have been for me.
I love the way you call me your AE.
I like the way you call me before every writing job I get (major or minor) and say "go get 'em tigerrrrr". LoL. You're such a retard.
I loved your support when I found out I was 18, pregnant and a freshman in college. You told me I'd still graduate on time, and the same time everyone else did...and I did.
I appreciated your tears when you realized you couldn't make it to Kianah's birth because of the damn blackout.
I like how you reprimand her as if she were yours.
I like that Kianah calls you auntie, 'cuz we truly are sisters.
I love how we've been going to Midnight Mass every year on Christmas for the past say, 15 years... And we still, at 24 years of age, exchange gifts once midnight hits no matter what's going on in Church at that very moment. Smh at us.
Furthermore, I love how you never stopped giving me Christmas gifts when Kianah was born like everyone else did...lol
I like how you physically and mentally help me rationalize when I'm ready to do something crazy.
I like how we text each other in Creole, even though we barely know how to write it and still understand what's being said.
I love how we cry from laughing at each other.
I appreciate my little twin brothers for asking you and I to be sponsors for their Confirmation. They said there's something about our friendship that made 'em choose us.
There's sooo much more to say ... but it wouldn't all fit on a blog, so I'll end here...
Damn homie, 20 years?! Nowadays, friendships don't last nowhere near that.
Luv you =]
P.S. When you get this post to your Blackberry, please don't call me all mushy... thanks...lol.
This post isn't even for me, but I'm getting mushy like it is.
Only tou have a way of capturing the last 20 years of our lives painting a vivid friendship portrait with you words. I have to frame this post because it's the best pic I have of us. Im gonna put it right under the picture frame you gave me which is hanging up in may apartmnent. Thank You so much I love you too.
thats priceless peggs
This is so Lovely Peggy,Great friendships are priceless- Its awesome you really appreciate yours
This is soo sweet. Most friendships honestly don't last this long. && although I know of some that's lasted a long while...none actually made me want to be a third party. lol
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