17 January 2009

making moves.

"I need to be surrounded by people as passionate and as dedicated as I am."
-Lauryn Hill


RAEthoven said...

i say this to myself allllll the time. it's just a matter of putting into action .

She She said...

I have a post about Lauryn Hill on my blog, miss this chick! She needs to come back to us!

Kofi Bofah said...


pink said...

soooooooooooooooo tru motivation is contagious . . . so is lazinesss

le said...

that quote is so true

Jillian said...

that is the truth...
and yes she does need to come back!

Adina said...

This quote is so true!!! I LOVE it

DRStar* said...

Yes girl that is soo true... :)